What do we look at when understanding the health of our aged clients

Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is a process used used by our therapists to assesses the status of the frail older persons to guide the help we give them.  These people often have complex, multiple and interdependent problems (multimorbidity) which make their care more challenging than in younger people, or those with just one medical problem. Eg Continence, multiple medications, multiple therapists and living circumstances.

CGA is a multidimensional  holistic assessment of an older person that takes into consideration health and wellbeing. A plan is developed to address issues which are of greatest concern to the client (and family/carers if relevant) and arranges interventions according to the plan and is reviewed with input from others.

Physical health  – respiratory conditions, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, pain and other suffering.

Mental Health – depression, vascular dementia.

Functional  – unable to shower, or do cooking, cleaning shopping.

Social – lives alone, lack of close family.

Environmental  – difficulty with stairs, getting in and out of bed (falls risk), poor lighting, or security (c0nfidence with living at home).

All our therapists are trained in the assessment and identification of these conditions, and often one therapist can be of help across multiple areas.


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